I used to calculate present value, now I have come to value the present.


About The Founder:

From Wall Street To Wellness

Hello. I’m Satyan. I got my MBA from Columbia University. I spent over 15 plus years as a full-time investing professional on Wall Street, helping high-net-worth individuals and high-profile institutions turn their millions into more millions. 

My life was a speeding car making quick stops for fleeting joys and never reaching its destination-ego drove and status sat in the passenger's seat clinging to stacks of self-validating papers. 

Cut to the Financial Crisis of 2008. I lost my job, my status, my financial security, and, what I thought at the time, my entire life. What emerged was a life-changing journey that put me back in the driver’s seat. And now, my work is investing in people who seek a life driven by who, not what they are.

When I’m not coaching, I’m a teacher and practitioner of Raja Yoga Meditation and a professional Indian Classical Drummer.

About Sattvic Wellness

Staying true to our name, Sattvic Wellness is a personalized, intimate coaching service designed to forge a sustainable path towards a peaceful, harmonious, balanced mind and attitude, amidst the chaos of the modern world.

Our work together does not involve quick-fixing habits that will manifest themselves somewhere else. Our work is a deep dive into WHY you have formed certain patterns initially, and HOW we can shift those perspectives for you to uncover your highest, truest, most balanced self. We create a safe space for you in a non-judgemental environment to re-discover you.

We incorporate a variety of wellness techniques and mindful practices to help clients shift their inner and outer world perspectives. With certifications as an Integrative Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach through the National Board of Health and Wellness (NBHWC), founder Satyan Shah gives his clients a sustainable toolkit, a support system, a personal accountability partner, and the time to unearth a life not pre-determined by external forces, but by what lies on the inside.

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We start at 6 Month One-on-One Coaching

“Satyan has helped me improve my life more than any other single person I have ever worked with, by far. My personal life, business career, physical and mental health and overall well-being have transformed dramatically in a relatively short period of time through my work with Satyan.”

Donald P. Cogsville is the Chief Executive Officer of The Cogsville Group, LLC

‘The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.’

-Robert Tew